With intros done, let's begin. Let's first talk about that infamous "to-do" list. I know, there are list people and not list people. I'm talking to the list people, because frankly, I don't know how the non-list people function, I need a list to go upstairs and return with what I went up there for, though I think that has more to do with those brain cells one loses in pregnancy rather than being unorganized, but that's another conversation - back to our list. I used to write my list with all the things I needed to do in the forseeable future, then at the end of the day find that I have crossed off 2 of the 37 things on the list because it was just to overwhelming. But my new system is to write a shorter list - only 10 items, no more, possibly less - for the day. Preferably, I make the list the night before so I can start the morning off just thinking about making a cup of coffee. Ten seemed like a good, popular number so I use 10, perhaps you need a few more, but let's say 15 is a limit. Put the things that have to be done on that day, and when you get to 10 (or 15) stop. Go to the post office, get cash, drop off cookies to school. If you have more to do - figure out what can go on the next day's list, juggle stuff around, even start a list for the week if you need to plan that way, but don't put more than 10 on a day's list.
The list includes the big things (pay mortgage) and the little things (sew button on J's shirt). And the little things, I really try to make sure I do because those are usually the ones important to my little people and isn't that the whole point of parenthood? So yes, get paint off doll, sew teddy's nose back on, and pick up newspaper for school project is on the list along with file tax assessment and make bank deposit. In fact, when I feel very busy and that I may overlook an important person, I make it a point to put one item on the list for each person in the family. If someone doesn't have an immediate need, then I ask if there's something they want on the list (can be fun!)
My list for today? Send get well card to S.; drop off coffee mugs to St Johns; wrap baby blanket (gift); p/u diapers and breakfast for C.; make snacks for girls' bookclub; make brownies and drinks for crop; get babysitter for Sunday. Not 10 things yet, but probably by the morning. And I feel like I can get these things done because its only 10 and I've got all day!
Try it, let me know how it works for you. Happy Friday!
Yes, I know what you mean about brain cells. Did you know you lose half each time you are preganant? That means with my first I went down to a half. Then with the second I lost a half of my half taking me down to one fourth...I have had seven so I am currently functioning on 1/128th of my original brain capacity! Hon, if it doesn't get written down, it ain't happening!!!
~Michele~ (BlueMoonArtistry on Ravelry)
LOL!! this is how bad it is - when I read your comment, I was thinking "half each pregnancy? OMG - i've lost 2 brains' worth of brain cells!" that fraction of a fraction thing didn't even occur to me :-)
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